We bought a house!!! We will actually be investing our money into something that will be ours free and clear someday. It feels good to be an investor. I highly recommend it. The only scary/sad element is that we are so far away from civilization and life as we knew it and loved it for almost 6 years (longer for me). I thought I would show off our new house in lou of my excitement...
Here she is. It's hard to hold back the tears.

We'll have to spruce the back up a smidge...vines?
This is the view from our backyard, or sideyard. Not sure. Our realtor took these for us.
I think there is a Pampered Chef/Open House party in my house's future...for sure!!!
What a great house! can't wait to see it. where is it exactly?
Congratulations! It looks so beautiful! Can't wait to see more pics and hear about all the joys of moving ... :)
congratulations, it looks great! Way to go for buying!
This is not allowed - you moving. What's life gonna be like without Jen Seamons? That's right...sad. In all seriousness, I'm so excited for you - jealous, too! She's a definite beaut. I can't wait to see her all gussied up. I will definitely miss you and your fun wit. Good thing we have blogs to keep updated! Congrats!!
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