Saturday, December 20, 2008

Turkey Time!!!

I know this is soooo late, but I now have the pictures I need to document our Thanksgiving frolics. We had our first Thanksgiving in our first real home, (the apartment being some sort of edifice to get our feet wet) and cooked our first turkey. It turned out perfectly. I was so proud. We had Reed's family over and they completed our feast by supplying all the side dishes to compliment our beast. Hey...a rhyme! I know it's a fowl, not a beast, but then I couldn't make my rhyme.

The next night, we had my family over and cooked another holiday bird. It of course turned
out perfectly too. Best not cook another turkey again lest it tastes horrible...or we burn down the house. Either scenario would ruin the good memory I have in my head of our beautiful birds.

Turkey-talk aside, we all had a great time, and I can't wait for Christmas...which is in less than a week in lou of this procrastination blog.

Ain't he handsome?! The guy with the knife
is pretty hot too!!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

way to go for blogging, not to mention cooking two beautiful birds. I have decided that if I ever have to host a thanksgiving, that I will not cook turkey, but just something a bit more managable with less left overs, like chicken breasts or something.