Friday, March 27, 2009

"Friendly Reminder"

If you will all just take a moment to scroll down to my previous post regarding our growth. I thought it was pretty amazing. Well...the HOA did not agree. We received a letter in the mail today about this disagreement with the unsightly growth occurring in our front and side yards. Excuse me, but how can one of God's creations be unsightly. Reed and I were actually encouraging their progress and are very proud of how far they've come. The HOA needs to spend a little more time appreciating nature in action. Despite our valiant efforts to nurture our growth, the weeds in the yard have to go. We have until April 9th. Which means...we'll wait until April 9th before we let our creations meet their demise. Here are pictures to remember them by...

Side Yard

Front Yard

Oh, and I have finally taken the time to photograph the inside of our new house...which is actually almost a year old already! Disfrute!

The Loft (upstairs)

Upstairs hallway

Entry to our bedroom (double doors) grand!

Our bedroom. Oops...forgot to make the bed. Oh, who am I kidding...nobody really makes their bed anymore.

laundry room...upstairs...oh yeah!

Entry room

hallway to kitchen downstairs

Kitchen/dining area

Living room

Just Kitchen


Jenny said...

Love the pics of your house Jen! Sorry to hear that your vegitation has to go. Thanks for the great comments. We are well, baby is batteling an ear infection though. Take care!

Camille said...

Wow, you have got a tough HOA! I guess it's worth it when you have a gorgeous house. Those double doors to your bedroom are pretty fancy. I'm glad to know we're not the only ones who don't make our bed.