Friday, June 12, 2009

Guess I'd better

I haven't blogged in awhile...well cuz' there's nothing to say really. Just thought I should since it's been 2 months. The new house is doing well. We are painting it this summer finally. I hate white walls especially when there's not much decoration on them, and color would just be much more homey and welcoming.
School is done for the year. I am taking an online class this summer and one more in the fall...and then I'll finally be done!!! Wait...what's that in the distance? I think it's a finish line. Oh wait...something is blocking it. Oh yeah my comps. Ugh! Ah well...the inevitable strikes again. Guess I'll have to wait till December graduation to get too excited.
In other news, we hope to be traveling across the country later this summer if all goes well with our finances. Tuition has rapidly depleted our savings account. Cripes! Anyway, more posts to come, hopefully of our painting genious and our lovely trip. Stay tuned.


Christina Beach said...

I love to paint, if you need help let me know!! Of course during the summer I would have 4 helpers on my hands which would spell disaster!! I can't wait to hear about your summer trip!:)

Cherise said...

I hate the kirby guy. We got suckered into their demo presentation once... never ever again. cute blog! glad you found me! :) Reed can go bull ride with Graham sometime. That is... if I ever let him again... haha.