Sunday, November 1, 2009


This Halloween was much more of a success than last year. That's right...the door bell rang 7 times this year, instead of the disappointing 2 last year. And...sometimes I would open the door and 4 or 5 creatures would be standing there yelling at me. Ah...such fun. I love Halloween. I actually got rid of almost all of our candy. Yes, we had scaled back a bit on the sweets based on last year's stats, but we still had a big bowl prepared with nothing left now but tootsie rolls and a lone mini-twix bar. Hmmm...guess I'll have to eat that. I may decide to be nice and hand those left-overs out to my primary kids. They really could use the energy. NOT!
Here is my costume I wore for Halloween 2009. I only wore it to work and everyone thought it was brilliant. Too bad I couldn't take any credit for it. It was all Reed's idea. I thought it was pretty funny myself... ya can't guess what I am.


bethany said...

Zak gives you the prize for the most creative costume. Not sure what exactly you get along with that title.....

Angela said...
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Angela said...

Are you an egg in a nest??? Very creative.

Camille said...

What did you make it out of? It looks heavy but I'm sure you're not trying to push that baby out with a heavy costume, right? Very fun!

Christina said...

What a cute idea! One year I was really pregnant and painted a pumpkin on my shirt around my belly to play into it. This is way more original!! I LOVE it!:)Look like you guys had fun!

Lark said...

So cute!
And 18 days to go!? Good luck woman!