I don't know if many of you have heard, but Joaquin Phoenix appears to be quiting the acting business. What?!! He is an amazing actor. He is believable and true to each character he portrays. You can't help but get sucked into each movie he is in...because of him! I can watch him in any movie over and over.
Signs...I've seen that movie probably about 200 times. I am so sad about this news. I know we should all just respect his desires and let him go about his way, but I can honestly say I will be truly saddened by his absence. I'm hoping he will return some day, and I'll be waiting with baited breath until he does. Okay, that's a little extreme/obsessive, but he's just that good. Also, incredible acting talent aside, he's just a good person. I will miss him. Good luck in the music industry Joaquin. You'll be great.

Excuse me now while I go buy every film Joaquin has ever been in. (the ones that aren't rated "R") That's another thing: don't producers/directors understand that by giving a movie an R rating, you are automatically limiting your audience and will probably make less money. That's a whole different blog entry though. Another day maybe.
He would have made a great vampire!!! you really should read the twilight series if you haven't already!
Eh. Too busy watching T.V. Besides, if I read it, I would be conforming to societal pressures...and I can't go there! Why don't you reinact the story for me. That'll be much more fun.
I did not know this! What depressing news. He was turly an actor not just a filmstar (ie Jessica Simpson etc..blah)Joaquin Phoenix..sign you will be missed.
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