The other day, there came a knock on the door. Crap!...a visitor and I'm in my PJ's. So I creep up to the peep hole (so she doesn't suspect my presence) and there is a nice looking girl with a clip board. Should I answer it?...I thought to myself. I can just smile and nod and then nicely decline whatever she was selling. WRONG! Always creep back away from the door quietly and pretend you're not home. Think Jen!!! Anyway, I actually open the door (no thanks to the involuntary muscle reactions of my upper extremities) and listen to her schpeal. She was selling a vacuum and proceeded to explain its glory and wonder with a bonus deep-cleaning of the fabric in the house of my choice. All I basically heard was that I will get a piece of my house cleaned for free. When she's done with her lecture, smiling like she'd like a response, I say "Sure". STUPID! What follows would take me through a 2 and 1/2 hour adventure (which I'm sure you don't care to indulge in) of how this vacuum works...who said anything about a vacuum...and why I should buy it. So basically my morning (and afternoon) consisted of needlessly starving myself for three hours just to get my couch cleaned. By the way, this vacuum (Kirby is his name) costs more than the down payment on our car. I made sure I mentioned that in lou of today's economic crisis before passing out after viewing the price tag. This vacuum is amazing though. Dang it! It not only vacuums...oh is a leaf blower, car detailer, deep-cleaner/shampooer, sweeper, tile cleaner and many other things in one. "Hot Dawg!" you say? Well you can have one for the reasonable price of 2500 dollars. Not so hot anymore right? That's what I thought. The owner guy was totally willing to bargain with me though. However, he was just not going for the 60 dollar price tag hanging above my puppy-eyed head. Guess I should have slipped into something more sexy than my pajamas that morning. To make him feel more successful and less like he had just wasted a good majority of his day, I promised some customers to him. So...anyone who wants this delicious deal...just let me know. I'll send them knocking on your door. Enjoy the hours of fun!
All joking aside, it is a tremendous vacuum, and he is willing to make a deal. Payment plans are offered too. Anyone, anyone?
That's hilarious. Kirk answered the door here, and told them to be on their way. Cute blog!!
I had a Kirby demonstration while we were in California at a beach house rental...yeah it took longer than i had planned but I was impressed. Its expensive though - I agreee...who has that kind of spare change these days?
Definitely could find about 100 other ways to spend that kind of money!!
Sounds like you are having a fun summer!.... Yea I hate it when sales people come to my door. I especially hate it when my kiddos go running to the door and stand there saying mom someones here answer it!!!... and me praying that they didn't see the kids through the windows on either side of our door, and quietly telling them to back away from the door......
Are you still going on your across the US trip? I will be in town from July 17-Aug7 and would love to see you! Let me know if you will be coming down!
Next time just tell them you have a Dyson you love. Works for us.
P.S. the BBQ was fantastic fun
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