Saturday, September 5, 2009
"You have a beautiful belly"
The other day, one of my co-workers told me I have a beautiful belly. I thought how nice a comment that was, even though it was coming from a guy. I guess he could have said, "Hey you cow, your belly looks pretty fat today," but he didn't. It totally made my day, too. I always feared that I would retain a ton of water and my face would break out into one giant zit when I was pregnant. Luckily, I have been able to ward off such nonsense. But I still have 3 months to I'd better find some wood to knock on QUICK! In other news, I have just completed my first 4 weeks of school teaching my new middle schoolers. Even though most days are pretty similar, each day brings with it new and interesting "items of business" shall we say. Sometimes these items are pretty down right hilarious. Not so hilarious however are the moments when one of my students decides he is going to throw a big bowl of chocolate pudding across the kitchen in protest of cooking-time and then yells at himself while I make him clean it up. Okay...that last part falls into the 'hilarious' category.! Also, I have just signed up for my master's exams and will be taking my orals October 1. So, please don't curse my name or think bad thoughts about me until after that date...for I shall know it was you. I will finally be done with stupid school in December. I have been going to school now for 10 years (my fault, I guess). I could have been a full-fledged doctor by now. Well, almost. close, here are more pictures of me and my "beautiful belly" at 6 months. Just FYI: I am now 6 months, 3 weeks and counting...

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Cute!! I do have to warn you though-the last three months are also the BIGGEST three months :)
You have such a cute preggo belly!! It is Beautiful!! Good luck with school, and your exam. :)
why aren't you fatter? you look like you have a (small) basketball in your shirt and you don't look like you've gained it anywhere else... i'm so jelous. i gained 15 lbs in my butt in the first 3 mo w my 1st!!! you are so dang cute!!!
You look great! And a girl! Yay! Its great having a girl as the oldest - they love to babysit :)
Good luck on your exams!
hey sis!!!! im so glad that everything is going great with the pregnancy and school,it is exciting to think that you are almost done with BOTH!! by december you will be free from school and busy with the baby! HURRAY!!!!! love ya, and can not wait to see you next week for my show!!
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