Since my last post about Christmas, we have been very busy visiting family and enjoying the outdoors. I have decided to let go of my fear of germs and winter weather...partially. I still do not fancy the idea of sitting in a building with 200+ kids aged 2 to 12 who are sneezing and/or coughing and/or harboring some infectious disease that is undetectable from an innocent bystander ( However, I let down my guard (since it's now summer-time) and have allowed Anaya to immerge out into the open. We have walked around the park by our house, strolled down Sabino Canyon, attended my cousin Elizabeth's wedding reception in Gilbert, and even gone shopping. I know..that place has germs too, but they are not sitting right next to you in the form of small children.
Anaya is well and growing everyday. Literally. Is that normal? I swear she's like a small person. It's hard to remember she's still a newborn. She has also begun smiling a cute I could just eat her up. We are having such a great time with her.
At Sabino Canyon with Daddy...

At the park by our house. Anaya is clearly having a blast...

Much more interested now that the walk is finished...

Ain't she gorgeous?...

Elizabeth's (Lizzie's) reception. Looks so natural Lizzie, but wait a few more years...
Posing with Aunt Natalie...

Anaya meets Great Grandma for the first time. Oh my gosh, I'm gonna cry. Four generation picture to come...

Cute videos just for fun...
Disclaimer: May be boring for non-family members. So watch at your own risk.
She is very cute!! And they do seem to grow up really fast!! I feel like Storey was born just a couple of months ago, but she's almost old enough to go to nursery now.
Glad you're getting out! Someday we'll live in a place where it's actually cold in January. But for now it's so nice! Anaya looks so sweet.
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