The crack of the bat, the smell of the grass, sharing your cotton candy with every puppy-eyed, open-mouthed person around you...That's right, I went to a baseball game tonight. Every summer on or around the 4th of July, our church buys a bunch of tickets and we all go together on the same night. It's really fun. This is the last season for the Tucson Sidewinders. They were sold to Reno, Nevada, so this was the last time to catch a game before they pack up and move on down the road. Since it is also around the 4th of July, they always have a fireworks show after each game. It was really awesome. It is really the only reason I go, and it would have been even better if Reed had not complained about their sorry selection of patriotic songs and wanna-be spectacular fireworks/grande finale THE WHOLE TIME:
Reed-"I can't believe they picked this song. It is not patriotic at all."
Reed-"Where is that firework going. It is going to burn someone up."
Reed-"They should fire this trumpeter." (they had a trumpeter soloist introduce the Firework Spectacular)
Me-"How about you just keep the yap shut next time and try and enjoy the show."
Other than that fascinating conversation, the night went very well, except for the 1/2 hour rain shower we got in the middle of the game. Everyone fled for safety, but I stuck it out. Reed was so proud.
Well before the firework conversation...

Here comes the rain...

Darwin (my father-in-law) and the girls...

I oh I miss the Campbell Ward baseball games! The last year we were there for it was the year that Paul was born, so I missed it. I also miss the monsoons - I'm so glad you stuck it out - you are one tough woman!
Glad that you commented on my blog - I have been thinking about you guys. Congrats on the NHS and good luck on your many school adventures.
3 kids is fun but its also killing me...once upon a time I was really good at keeping up with my blog, but these days I'm lucky if I have the energy to make dinner :)
OMG! I laughed so hard at the convo you and Reed had.
That looks like fun-rain and all! At least you guys got to see some fireworks!! We had a cookout with some friends and then went to watch the city fireworks and they got canceled cause it was too windy!! (Jak was really excited, poor kid)
Oh well. Maybe next year right?
Hey we tried to comment yesterday, but your blog didn't like us, so we are trying again today. Thanks for tracking us down and commenting on our blog. you guys have some fun pictures. I miss rain that comes only in small intervals!
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